FY 2018
New York, NY
Elephant conservation in Sri Lanka.
To assure sustainability for AIR, by providing Board Reserve funding
Atlanta, GA
Support for staff in Guatemala and in the US, for reforestation work in
the Guatemalan highlands
Cotati, CA
Continuing to provide justice for animals through the Zero Tolerance for
Cruelty program
Bat conservation in Fiji and Rwanda
Seven Valleys,PA
General operations and sustainability fund for the Journal and Media
programs, which bring information on all aspects of the Chesapeake
Bay to its readership and viewers.
Seven Valleys,PA
Support for sustainability through Board Reserve
Seven Valleys,PA
Support for this invaluable Chesapeake Bay publication to hire
additional staff to assure its sustainability by widening its circle of supporters.
Seven Valleys,PA
To help complete High Tide in Dorchester, focusing on sea level rise in
one of the most endangered areas of Maryland's Eastern Shore of the
Chesapeake Bay.
Sustainability support for the Center, part of Washington College,
through a Board Reserve available for special needs.
Protection of the Nanticoke River Corridor on the Eastern Shore of
Investment in Patrick Noonan Fund, to assure long-term sustainability
of the Conservancy.
Supporting legal assistance and partnerships with organizations around
the Chesapeak Bay needing assistance to protect the Bay's lands, wildlife habitats and waters.
Protecting Maryland's waters with emphasis on building support on the
Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay.
Support for Defenders' work in opposing the US/Mexico Border Wall
which would have a drastic impact on wildlife as well as human rights, rule of law, and other widely-held American values.
Support for opposition to the proposed US/Mexico border wall, and its
destructive impact on wildlife, human rights, the rule of law, and all widely-held American values.
For the Center for Conservation Innovation, finding new ways to track
US Fish and Wildlife compliance with the mandates of the Endangered
Species Act.
Working with Wildlands Network, to save the endangered Red Wolf under grave threat in North Carolina
Wildlife Defense Campaign, continuing work to defend the Endangered
Species Act and all wildlife against hostile forces.
Defenders of Wildlife
Washington, DC
Wildlife Defense Campaign, to defend against threats to Wildlife by the
San Francisco,CA
Support for fight to protect Bears Ears National Monument and other
public lands from being sold off for oil and gas exploitation.
San Francisco,CA
Check correction
San Francisco,CA
Protecting public lands from development and exploitation.
Delmarva Oasis, seeking to secure half of Maryland's Eastern Shore of
the Chesapeake Bay for nature and food by 2030.
Environmental Film Festival
Washington, DC
Enabling the organization to hire two additional staffers
Support for additional staff to augment the continuing challenge to
protect US waters, particularly from slaughterhouse pollution.
Safeguarding the Clean Water Act, protecting the Chesapeake Bay, and
counteracting roll-backs by Congress and the Administration.
Support for a Board Reserve
Continuing to pressure Japan and Taiwan to close their ivory markets,
closing several of Japan's major ivory markets.
Laguna Hills, CA
Post-production work on The Game Changers, film promoting human
and non-human animal health and well-being, protecting Earth's soil, air and water, through dietary changes
Arlington, VA
To support Akashinga, an organization of an all-women anti-poaching
force in Zimbabwe.
Arlington, VA
Support for Akashinga, an all-woman anti-poaching force to prevent
elephant poaching in Zimbabwe, and to act as a model for similar anti- poaching forces elsewhere in Africa
Support for film The Last Animals about the loss of elephants, rhinos and other great species of Africa, with a strong advocacy campaign so viewers can contact their governments urging an end to the slaughter
San Leandro,CA
Support for various programs including Human Elephant Harmony,
RAMSAR sites in eastern Sabah, Freshwater for the Future protecting water quality and aquatic life, and general operations
San Leandro,CA
To assist with work in Sabah,Malaysian Borneo, including elephant
conservation, community and ecotourism development, and general operations.
San Leandro,CA
Support for operations
San Leandro,CA
Conservation of wildlife, land, and support for civil organizations in
Sabah, Malaysian Borneo
Continuing support for Professor Russell Mead, Shared Earth
Distinguished Visiting Professor to the Center for Animal Law Studies at the Law School.
Emergency Wildlife Response Reserve, enabling this lion defense
organization and its Maasai Guardians to respond to unanticipated emergencies.
Support for DC Urban Conservation Stormwater Program, a
rain garden in Mt. Olivet Cemetery Washington, DC to prevent stormwater from flowing directly into the Anacostia River.
New York, NY
Voting Rights Initiative, to protect voters from disenfranchisement and
register eligible voters.
Animal Care and Rescue Center, which provides medical care and
rehabilitation to stranded marine turtles, seals, and other marine wildlife.
NWF's Choose Clean Water Coalition brings together 230 groups
across the watershed to work toward clean Bay tributaries, including adequate funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program and other measures.
Tucson, AZ
To assure sustainability of this jaguar conservation organization.
Tucson, AZ
Continued conservation of Jaguars in the Sonora Jaguar Reserve,
Mexico, and surrounding cattle ranches where the ranchers now support protection of these cats.
Santa Monica, CA
Conservation of orang utans in Sumatra, Indonesia, resolving
human/orang utan conflicts.
EnCourage Tour, to fill a strategic gap in climate funding and build
capacity to support deceleration of climatic destruction of the Earth.
Warrenton, VA
Amphibian Conservation in Madagascar
Columbia, NC
Conservation of the extremely rare Red Wolf
Savannah, GA
Support for sea turtle conservation on Wassaw Island, Georgia;
protecting beaches, nests and hatchlings to assure that most turtles
reach the ocean; and recording returning females to track survival rates and nesting history though the years.
Front Royal, VA
Support for facility expansion at SCBI's Panama Amphibian Rescue and
Conservation Project.
Front Royal, VA
Supporting long-term, sustainable elephant conservation.
Front Royal, VA
Support for long-term, sustainable funding for amphibian conservation
and research.
Front Royal, VA
Experimental release and monitoring of 300-400 captive-bred Golden
Frogs in Panama where populations have declined significantly due to the amphibian chytrid fungus.
Sonoma, CA
Provide a motorcycle for transportation in rural Nepal, enabling staff to
reach the far-flung range of Snow Leopards in Upper Mustang.
Sonoma, CA
Providing a match for the Conservancy's Gala.
Assistance for Wet Lab for science education for the 12,000 students K-
12 in programs that emphasize the Chesapeake Bay's history, culture and environment; and for the endowment to assure sustainability in all financial climates.
Bringing together young environmental leaders, and working with School
Superintendents to implement environmental education in all grades
Western Environmental Law Center $50,000.00
Eugene, OR
Support for additional staff to conserve endangered species in Western states
New York, NY
Support for film MADIDI, exposing poaching and sale of jaguar parts
in Bolivia, Suriname and China, and education and advocacy for the countries involved.
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