Up Guidelines Application Grants




Because this is the first year of the Foundation’s giving program, the Foundation will fund a few applications for projects only, in the $5,000 to $10,000 range. It will be willing to entertain requests for the full range of assistance in future years.

Application Process

Please submit a one-page pre-application containing:

  name, address, phone and fax numbers of organization, e-mail address and contact person;

  a one-paragraph description of the organization;

  a one-paragraph description of the project; need for the project, its purpose, goals, strategy and plan of action and plans for assessing achievement of the grant’s purposes;

  amount requested, amount of total project cost, other sources of funding for the project;

  the organization’s overall budget, including projected income and description of sources;

  IRS tax-exempt number.

Brief supplemental materials, such as the applicant’s brochure, newsletter or other publications, may be sent with the pre-application.

Approval Process

The Foundation will acknowledge the request within one month, and respond within two months with a request for a full proposal, or declination. The Foundation will make grant decisions by December 15 of each year.

It will expect a final or progress report within 11 months of the grant outlay.


The Foundation will not fund individuals, scholarships, fellowships, or financial aid to students.

Mailing Guidelines

Send pre-application to:

The Shared Earth Foundation
113 Hoffman Lane
Chestertown, MD. 21620

Please note that the Foundation does not accept new partners or unsolicited applications. Our email address is sharedearthfdn(@) without the()